
I think I read that Harper Lee has refused to permit anyone, ever, of making a new film. Same way Catcher in the Rye will never be a film or play.

You are still misunderstanding and twisting my words to suit your peculiar, almost pointless argument.

Very nice job of somehow extracting a kernel of humor from my incoherent, jumbled, scattered abortion of a comment and then creatively fashioning it into a genuinely very funny gag. As if that wasn't bad enough I even botched trying to delete my equally lame first attempt at a joke. Once again, my hats off to you on

You don't seem to have a real world appreciation for just how astronomically rare it is for a person to have produced one, much less two, popular and critically celebrated TV shows. Ricky has so convincingly beaten the odds. His phenomenal achievements with those two shows so completely eclipses and overwhelms

There are so many points and issues with your comment that quite honestly are just so profoundly inaccurate, misguided or even too absurd to warrant a legitimate response from me, but because you've invested the time and energy in crafting your lengthy defense I'll at least make an effort to persuade you of the error

There's a hot rumor circulating that Elmo just entered rehab for treatment for a long time problem with pain medication and alcohol. My source has confirmed that an adorable, juvenile, hyper, well intentioned but easily misled, "fiery haired media oddity" was spotted checking into a prominent Malibu area substance

Yes, embedded somewhere in that foul, fetid* pile of excreted verbiage there's an intact, pristine kernel of humor.

Double Correction: 2015 is the projected release date for the Gritty Reboot of Happy Endings, where in the film all the characters are holograms of the composite amalgams of the all the original fan's most ardent, most vivid but repressed sexual fantasies, but transposed to cast members of the opposite gender. Get it?

I don't think you're putting 110% effort into your comments.

That's what she said. Wait, what?!

That's nice Herpes. Now, remember what we practiced? Shoes go over socks, not the other way around.


Why isn't it enough to say he's an original, sensitive, talented artist? People throw the term Artist around too casually but I think it's probably an even higher, more appropriate description of what Kanye does. David Bowie was always referred to as an artist and it seemed appropriate and enough of an accolade.

I find that your comments send me scrambling to Google more than any others. Pure Lego™, Minibulae - So much to learn, so much carpel tunnel syndrome.

Do you want me to passively get out of here or "activistly" get out of here?

Kanye's SNL appearance earlier this year was very, very impressive. He really knows, at a very sublime level, how to stage his performances. It was intensely fascinating and compelling. I don't know how good the music, itself, was, but the visual and auditory experience was fantastic.

But then you learned about their diabolical, masochistic initiation rituals and thought better of it. Also, you reviewed their very chancy retirement plan.

Waddaya mean?

Mariah Carey held the record for most number one hits for a decade or more. Is she a genius, or an unusually talented musical artist whose fan base is, shall we say, less than intellectually demanding? There's the general term, Genius, then there's the qualified, limited use of the word, such as musical genius,

You prefer to fap standing? Interesting.