Not necessarily an incorrect decision or position, even just a differing decision or position makes you an "activist."
Not necessarily an incorrect decision or position, even just a differing decision or position makes you an "activist."
Buckley was a politically centered thinker; gracious and eloquent, but essentially a disinterested political activist. Gladwell is much more of a pundit, a social activist, a self appointed ambassador to the center circle of society from the fringes of the center circle of society. Gladwell's not at all a true…
Your phrase "culture has been assimilated" has a very nasty medical flavor to it.
O'Reilly in no way is a man of Science or Thought. He's a self described media personality, which is like saying he's a carnival barker or a circus MC - he's not an actual skilled or talented performer, but he gets asses in the seats.
Could you please provide us with a brief rundown, a synopsis of his most potent, poignant points? No, forget that. OK, just tell me the one thing we all wanna know. Prostitutes: Was he Pro or Con?
That is precisely the problem with network news right now. Most news organizations are considered by citizens today - mostly unfairly - as very liberal, if not outright instruments of Democratic administrations. So to differentiate themselves and attract viewers Fox News intentionally endorses and promotes more…
Cornell West seems to hold his own quite handily on many subjects which are not directly within the purview of his expertise. George Will used to continually impress me with his curiously arbitrary but plentiful areas of knowledge. Jacques Cousteau was certainly an intellectual, able to express himself with the…
Until he went full blown bat shit crazy. But then again, most intellectuals eventually do that.
I would like to take this opportunity on this most auspicious and solemn occasion to deliver to you a well deserved kick in the balls.
Then why are we all laughing?
If only those were the only two things he's done or said in public of note. He has gone on to declare that he's a genius. A genius at exactly what, he hasn't specified, but in his mind I'm sure he sees himself as a genius of unparalleled exemplary wonderfulness and snazziness.
Yes, that is exactly the sound of someone having a very severe stroke.
Or just to be a figment of Franco's splendid, well appointed imagination.
Yes, what you've described is a perfect expression of Gladwell's 2nd Universal Law of Auto Erotic Self Loathing. What's an expression of Gladwell's's 1st Law of Auto Erotic Self Loathing? Buying a Malcolm Gladwell book.
Holy shit, that's hysterical! Your mom's got my mom's snarky attitude.
She's got like the world's second biggest Lego dildo collection. Who's got the biggest? You guessed it. Frank Stallone.
More like 10, 847 rattling noises…
Whenever I see these wonderfully intricate and faithful recreations I am awed and delighted. Then very quickly I am seized by a profound and violent urge to stomp on it. Stomp on it with extreme prejudice. Arggghhh. I am become Death!
Oh Mama! What an appropriately twisted, weird Xmas cover song from the AV Club. It sounded like he was an angry Russian ordering Blinis and Vodka.
De Niro was actually Jimmy Fallon's very first guest on his premiere episode. Jimmy was promoting his upcoming show on other programs and was really so excited and proud to have Bobby D as his debut interview, and I just thought it was so ridiculous, so preposterous because the two or three times I'd seen De Niro on a…