
Yes, Reagan did accelerate the collapse of the Soviet Union, absolutely. But he also did it at the still unrealized cost of billions and billions of dollars, and more importantly, at the cost of the USA's reputation around the world for having personally approved - by his own admission - the outright criminal and

He's sexually confused.

Well you can forever say goodbye to 100 upvoted comments, now that we all know you're Asian. Suckah!

The really satisfying part of that crazy scene is that it has absolutely nothing to do with the main story. It's just a random detour that the movie takes only to make a funny point about how TV celebrity can affect otherwise normal people. He only decided to call her after seeing her on the TV news reports about the

They should just let a plain old white chick do negro characters in Blackface. What's wrong with that!? It could even be done by an Asian, a Colombian, or a Maori, for all I care. Pffft…

Didn't Rosa Parks stand up in protest of this sort of social injustice? My mistake, she did stand up at the Laugh Factory to protest being evicted for not paying her rent.

What most attracted my attention this media resplendent year was that farcical, madcap, outrageous laugh factory of a show about the accelerating devastation to the planet's fragile biological web. It featured the hysterical antics and exploits of a global community run amok as they carelessly, gleefully, unwittingly

"The first time ever I saw your comment…"

I had to use my koncentration to kapiche your komment's kooky kamp.

And I datagree!

I'm the same way with car jacking. It's so bothersome to trudge out to the strip mall, brandish my stolen firearm, bark hostile instructions laced with vile imagery at the car's terrified driver, and then have to negotiate the ever increasing midday traffic. Fuckit, I'm just gonna sit here and eat my pork rinds, drink

You are a comedy vampire, sucking on the rich, nutritious, life giving blood of LoveWaffle's brilliant, original and hysterical comment. Shame on you, you coattails riding, freeloading, piggy backing, band wagon jumping leech..

I noticed the downvote for your comment and it made me think about the time I proudly declared that I love puppies and a friend told me to shut up already with my silly, stupid opinions. He was half kidding, but I clearly sensed something dark, perverse and warped in his tone. He really didn't have much compassion or

Yeah, he seems to have a better instinct for employing his lech character and then letting it play out as absurd theater. His signature "awkward moment" was a sublimely satisfying stunt.

It won the Oscar. Of course he knew the answer, it was his favorite movie!

Dear Sean, you, regretfully, are wrong. "Falling" is not the perfect song for the show's theme. Yes, those opening three notes are forever inextricably linked to the classic TV show in my mind and in my heart, but I believe there's a better, more qualified song for the job. As chillingly, eerily, morbidly evocative as

I have long felt - and have passionately preached to anyone within earshot - that the decision to have a child and enter the blessed state of parenthood includes the fateful choice to accept responsibility for the very distinct likelihood that your child will suffer great physical, psychological, and emotional harm.

Time Magazine just named their "Most Palpable Man of the Year." Or sorry, that's "Most Papal Man of the Year."


Just a passing observation: In that clip from The Fall the girl suspects that an intruder is in her home so she announces that she's calling the police. Shouldn't she have waited to make such a provocative announcement till after the call?! Or better yet, kept her mouth shut and make the call?! I mean, if I was a