
Um, "sophisticated" is my brilliant, ingenious, masterful way of referring to more mature, older viewers, as opposed to the 12 and 13 years old's who know Jennifer from Hunger Games. The ads and trailers for this film are designed to appeal to those younger audiences who aren't necessarily as familiar with the

Um, yes they can both certainly act. My point is that the ads have almost no Amy in them, but they do have quite a bit of Jennifer. Jennifer appears in a much smaller part in a supporting role so naturally one would expect to see Amy in the ads, seeing as she is the lead actress. Now here's where it gets a little

Okey Dokey, I'm on board.

"You know me. Yeah, you know me." Amy fuckin' Rocks!

Ha ha!

When are movie theaters going to offer day and night care for kids? Wouldn't it be great to be able do bring the kids to the theater where they have a room or rooms with activities and games and napping pads, and for a few bucks they're entertained, snacked and napped. Maybe you could even monitor the service with

So that wasn't her "intentionally" bad English accent mixed with her New York accent? That's just her botched New York accent? Too bad. Oh, I gotta go paaahhhhk da caaahhhh…

Fair enough. I haven't read the book. I'm sure it's more nuanced and reflective.

I look at the Oscars the same way I look at dog excrement: oh sure, it attracts a lot of flies and maggots and other filthy, mangy dogs, but I can make my own, thank you very much. I realize that's a cliche, common position, but I really, truly am quite fond of my own shit.

Your patience has been rewarded, Friendo.

Gravy?! Is that what you kids are calling it now?

Colombian Nose Candy. Yam yam…

And naked?!!

As all these talk show hosts are aging they are quickly regressing to their adolescent selves - their awkward, insecure, dorky, geeky, nerdy, date-less, lonely and miserable but kinda funny teenage selves. Even Letterman is getting a little lascivious in his senility, but at least he's sorta cute about it, and not

Playing up Miss Lawrence in the ads is calculated to attract the Young, Dumb, and Full of Cum crowd. All of us more, um, sophisticated viewers are already primed and ready to fire by just the mere mention of Amy Adams' name. If flashing Jennifer's tight ass on the TV screen gets more asses into theater seats, well

No, you're right. In fact, the majority of humanity is "borderline" mentally ill. The way Hollywood historically over dramatized stories about mental illness has made the current trend of downplaying the condition just seem kinda reactionary, like a calculated fashionable choice. It's not a bad movie, it's just not

Yes, they are fine thespians, but their extraordinary physical attributes absolutely go a very long way to winning over your sympathies. Ugly crazy people are just so, you know, creepy…

It was the Rudy of mental health movies.

Something to take the wife to. There's no one getting their skulls shot off or CGI aliens in stupid one piece uniforms abducting people while they shower or grown people in tights hurling lightning bolts at dragons. You know, a good ol' fashioned love story about a pair of mentally perturbed weirdos negotiating

You're both crazy. I wanna see her drunk out of a cocktail dress for two hours… Or two decades.