
Hey, your spoiler alert made your comment all the more alluring and irresistible, thank you very much. Not!

The review reveals that it's a preposterously fun, hysterical, worthwhile cinematic effort. There, now I've ruined it for ya.

How do you know Jennifer's upstaging Amy? Seems like Amy is the reviewer's favorite. Jennifer might be visually stunning and bursting with charisma but Amy has real acting chops. She can hold her own with the best of 'em.

"Tits so nice to have you back back where you belong…"

THAT explains the horrible accent I heard spewing out of Jennifer Lawrence's mouth in the trailer. When I heard that bizarre, ridiculous sound I thought to myself "Self, that is one fucked up, horrible Neeoo Yak accent," is what I thought. I also thought "Holy Mama, lookit dat!"

That's if she's coyote ugly.

I hear they're planning on building a shiny brand new Monorail.

Personally, I'd be Fucking Piles of Taller, Coked up Supermodels.

Perhaps I can clarify my position with an analogy. Red meat is one of my favorite foods. It makes for a very enjoyable meal, and my mouth is watering just thinking about a nice thick slab of grilled prime rib. But I also know that the mass consumption of red meat is clogging my arteries as well as contributing to

You're comment is meant to be a criticism of the show, right? But it's actually an astute observation on how Lena is intentionally inverting current expectations and cliche media tropes of how racial issues are handled within the absurd confines of TV fictions. At least that's what I wrote in my Social Anthropology

Right, and the theme song can be done by Huey Lewis!

Right. It's turning into too much of a Situation Comedy and not enough of a Comedic Situation. See what I did there?

Gary Busey should have his own channel. His own Network! His own UNIVERSE!!

You tell me exactly in what way is a nationally televised program about puppies and kitties frolicking and napping morally bankrupt? Huh?… Aw, lookit der widdle fuzzy wuzzy faces an der fuzzy wuzzy bottums!

Kids are the future! And Adults are the worst.

No, it's virgin redwood forests and ecologically precarious wetlands. Nyeah.


Due to our ongoing mission to maximize stockholder equities through a synchronized leveraging of our core competencies your position with the organization has been debited and nullified. Good luck and get out.

I like this new format and here's why you should too.

C'mon, where ya gonna go? Seriously, there's still nowhere else quite like this wacky demented sick silly stupid site. The AV Club hears your agony and it voraciously feeds on it, like emotional vampires feasting on the collective misery of all humanity. Your pain is our pleasure. Thank you.