Ha ha HA!! I'll see your jackass and raise you one condescending prig. Your move.
Ha ha HA!! I'll see your jackass and raise you one condescending prig. Your move.
Ha. HA! If your tender sensibilities have been bruised by my brusque indifference to the idiocy of Superhero movies then, well, get over it. Only a juvenile, repressed, self obsessed, sad sack dullard would take the issue of who rightfully deserves the role of Mega Tart or Turbo Bitch - or whatever her name is - so…
"No baldies."
The minute they opened their mouth - to receive your penis. See hat I did there? I switched it up on ya.
Because, um, your mom.
If it were a fine Whiskey O'Neal was producing it'd be called Extra Old N' Cranky Grand-Dad.
Orphanages, the setting for many disturbing if not horrific films, are really cool.
Too many Americans responded "Who's Idris Elba?" while an equally alarming number of American responded "Who's Nelson Mandela?!"
Your eventual descent into condescension is unfortunate, because I believe you were actually just on the verge of grasping, or perhaps even admitting that art is a very difficult entity to pin down, to define. Your conclusion that I have my taste and you have yours is precisely the overriding concept of all the best…
Blood spurting from a ruptured penile artery is not quite the same as jizzing, if I learned anything at all from that online class on dick punching.
Just another signature Franco act of narcissism? More like narci-jism.
Actually, placing the Opera House right next to Crime Alley is the very definition of Operatic Drama, so, Gotham City, well done. Bravo! Bravo!
As offensive as is the wanton disparagement of non svelte women in our culture, the social bias against heavier ladies is not necessarily an indefensible position. The less confident, more insecure, mentally meeker males are rightfully threatened by a more voluminous female who may easily kick the little ignorant…
Uh yeah, I do want James Franco to jizz on Jesus Christ. Thanks fer askin'.
Batshitman, or, more appropriately, Batjizzman.
Welcome to the Future.
I was looking at Google Maps satellite photos and it would appear that you've "earned" all of Greenland because nearly the entire island is covered in your creamy whiteness.
Besides, if they really were gay Robin wouldn't be caught dead in that hideous red, green and yellow outfit. He's more of an earth tones kind of gal. And maybe a little lamé. Because, Fabulous!
More like Masterbateman.
"Static images are even more powerful in contrast to current media. They force you to separate yourself from the noise. They take time and require an investment."