No, but I definitely will check it out. Thanks.
No, but I definitely will check it out. Thanks.
As I said previously, those purely visual concerns of Chardin and Goya and other pictorial artists are fantastic for what they are, for their times. But they were all created in an age - in a psychic space - entirely devoid of the electronic media by which we are all relentlessly bombarded today. Their art spoke with…
Hughes is a masterful self promoter. He's a pompous, arrogant, aggressive, angry blowhard. I don't care for him or his backward, provincial, tediously quaint notions about art and life. If you'll notice after he gets done attempting to denigrate Koons he then celebrates the painter Susan Rothenberg who is a…
Surprises? I listed The Sound of Music.
Me: "Oh Shit!"
My Grandmother, Natty: "You do and you'll clean it up."
And he'll be reluctant to employ his withering snark, but unfortunately the cold, cruel world of internet film criticism just won't tolerate a non snarky debate…
So it's like Dancing With the Stars, but for Artists.
Only if you watch the movie.
You think Dylan was the only fake Welsh named NY City folk singer from Minnesota? Ha! You're so naive.
You're wrong. So goddamned very, very wrong.
1. The Big Lebowski
2. The Big Lebowski
3. The Big Lebowski
4. Barton Fink
5. Fargo
6. The Big Lebowski
7. All other Coen films…
8. Caligula
9. Frankenhooker
10. The Big Lebowski
Needs more ray guns.
Chardin is a visual artist, more so concerned with entertaining the eye, whereas Modern and Post Modern and post Post Modern art is more so focused on challenging and engaging the human mind. There's a sublime beauty to be experienced when our intellects - our critical faculties - as well as our sensory organs are…
For years I have been petitioning Sweet Sandaled Jebus in Air Conditioned Heaven to persuade the Coens to produce a science fiction film. If there's a God who gives a filthy rat's ass about what's important - what's essential - to life on this damp fuzzy marble we call Earth, then soon we will be enjoying an absurdly…
The art which most resonates with me is usually highly reflective - to the point of obsessive - of its own artifice. Quality art today is not only willing to admit to it's own inherent falseness, it passionately embraces this absurd paradox.This is the defining quality of all worthwhile art of the post Post Modern…
Everyone talks about Fugazi but no one's doing anything about it.
Sophia Vergara will be Wonder Woman…
Sophia Vergara would be a perfectly inappropriate, absurd, disastrous choice, and therefore I heartily nominate Sophia Vergara. Picture it, people. Picture it good…
"pretty much the Platonic ideal of superhero movies" - I know you meant that as a compliment, but I'm sorry, that's pretty much exactly my main complaint with it. It's too much a logical expression of the implied psychology of "super egos" interacting. That aspect has been addressed to varying degrees of success…
You are not alone. I, however felt the interplay of the lead characters was rather inevitable, without much dramatic tension other than the question of how to deal with Loki and their varying commitment to S.H.I.E.L.D. It wasn't a very lively, agile character study, such as Iron Man I and II. The Avengers was a fine…