
Oh, right. Never mind… But if Chelsea had been there I'm sure she would have killed. Or at least inflicted serious bodily injury to that self satisfied, narcissistic, egg headed, pretty boy turd. Naw, I like James Franco.

Well, there ya go, you saw basically the same statistics as I did. When overall death rates dropped, high speed accident deaths increased. Yes, just about any car on the road can go over 110mph, but very few can go over 140, which is where the most increase in deaths was registered. You're correct that there's no hard

Yeah, hot dudes who can also move well really boils my butter. I was so relieved to discover that John Travolta is actually a highly engineered mechanical dancebot.

Most guys would never even admit to owning a bushel, must less hiding anything under it.

Yes, you're right. See, that's one of the probs with the show; it's got a few too many loose strings and unresolved plot devices. Still a very funny, charming show, though.

The "slut" friend was a device to make Mindy's romantic adventures seem more sweet and innocent and less salacious and vulgar, like what Sam was to Carrie. Then they realized being salacious and vulgar is the smart way to go with Mindy. No, I'm kidding. Mindy is still uptight and neurotic, and her being a wanton sex

What about George Jefferson?!! I am not an upwardly mobile black business owner living on the Upper East Side, and yet I took great personal joy in the antics and tribulations of that hostile and wacky chocolate elf.

And it's not just because she she's writing favorable reviews. Gwen seems to really get the unique charm of the show which keeps winning me over in spite of it's persistent logical and structural blunders.

They = Mindy - made Jeremy fat so she'd have an absurdly ironic reason to reject him as a love interest. Mindy shooting down a guy because he's a little chubby - it's preposterous. It's despicable. It's hysterical.

Because, grasshopper, that is the way of love.

Mike was just on Jimmy Kimmel tonight and he was OK. He told a story about being in the quaint little artist community, Ojai, California, with his girlfriend, and when the Hotel Clerk saw his girlfriend's Jimmy Kimmel Live T-Shirt he said "Oh, you're here for the Jimmy Kimmel Wedding!" which is when Mike found out he

She killed at the James Franco Roast, one of the best of the night. Solid, hard core, outrageous material delivered with confident swagger.

He gets a lot of respect from other stand ups who have worked with him on the road. Apparently Pete's act just steals the show; he's often the crowd favorite among a line up of quality comics.

That's a very strange situation, where a comedy routine can actually improve on the second listen. Usually the shock or surprise of the punchline is a huge aspect of the humor, even for comics who have very transparent deliveries. That said, I can revisit a superior comedic performance if the energy is high and the

Have you seen her web series? It's unlike anything else she's done, or anyone else.

No question, her material and style are very idiosyncratic, and maybe even off putting to certain sensibilities, but luckily I'm not one of those poor unfortunate people. I get such a deep pleasure from her unique approach and her astonishing vocal skills. Also, her honesty about herself and her mental challenges is

I play guitar and I get distracted by bad music, but I love falling asleep to good music because in that half dream space when I'm drifting off is when I most connect with the music at a profoundly deep, subconscious level. Images and impressions and notions and insights flow into my mind, and they are so

Exhaustin', ain't it?

If you're using Mad Men as your template for describing the complexion of the contemporary advertising industry then you need to update your cultural touchstones. Advertising is now a 50% female industry with women taking executive and management positions at a rate of nearly 2:1 over men. Advertising is rapidly

Wow, you really are committed to your belief, aren't you? The top speeds of mid level performance cars hasn't risen. As you yourself have stated, those cars are usually electronically limited. The higher end performance cars are the ones achieving higher top ends, and 160+ is largely the domain of the super