
Enjoy your gaming now... take it from another father of twins (almost four now). You will enter a hellscape for a few years, just hang in there and know that it will pass. We’re pretty much at the light at the end of the tunnel now that the terrible twos (and threes, which no one ever seems to talk about until you

It’s sad that the Wii U is considered a failure because of poor sales. I don’t think anyone who has a Wii U and many of the amazing games that came out for it thinks it was a failure. It was definitely the best console around for a while in terms of its library of must-play games. As someone who’s not in the video

It’s more insidious bullshit that GameStop sells second hand games for $5 less than full price new games.

You know what? Fuck those commenters.

He’s Presumed Innocent, but that plane was a Clear and Present Danger to the jet. What if it had been Air Force One?! If I were a Witness, I’d be Frantic. What Lies Beneath that little plane... I mean, he could’ve been a Widowmaker.

This is one time when SEO didn’t want to be found out.

Yay for my old 100 mile commute. I have a few.

On boxing day a few years back I was driving to walmart to get some kitty litter. Traffic was insane, and was bumper to bumper everywhere, moving mind you, but cars everywhere.

When driving home after work, I generally sit in the right hand lane near the speed limit (70mph on I75 north of Detroit) as I’m not in any real hurry and traffic is light.

A few years ago (winter 2010/2011-ish) the DC area had a freak snowstorm at rush hour that basically destroyed everything. By freak snowstorm, I mean snow was predicted, but the area got like 6 inches of snow in a couple of hours. DC cannot handle snow anyway, but very few places can handle 2+ inch/per hour

A few years ago a group of us went to Montreal for the Grand Prix. We got up around Thursday, began serious drinking as soon as we hit the hotel and by Saturday afternoon we decided to nurse our hangover with a trip to an indoor karting track. We were rather disheveled looking and once at the track the thoughts of the

Not really a “revenge” story – but one of my most satisfying “got what he deserved” stories.

I pulled into Michigan Secretary of State office (our version of the DMV) that was not very busy at all. It was within a shopping plaza that had three disabled parking spaces somewhat near the building with all other spaces surrounding it that were unused at the moment.

I did courier work in Maine for a while. One day I was minding my own business, toodling down a quiet I-95 at the speed limit in the right lane. There was a van stopped in the breakdown lane. Stopped, at least, until it suddenly pulled into the right lane directly in front of me with no warning. The van didn’t signal

Final straw for me was the time I tried to pick up a 3DS game day after launch, and they didn’t have any copies (it wasn’t a popular game, and they only got like one or two copies in, and sold them already). The dude working was like “You shoulda pre-ordered bro, saved us both some time”, when I told him that I didn’t

“Scared for our jobs” was the constant, ubiquitous norm at GameStop. I will not only vouch for it, but will go so far as to say most of these apologists are either company plants or young employees who don’t get around much. Kids in high school or college students looking for extra spending money don’t feel the same

Gamestop needs to put an end to this policy. As a customer my local gamestop makes me feel like an asshole everytime I buy a new game that wasn’t pre-ordered. Almost every solitary time, they act like they’re not going to have a copy and then act shocked that they have copies in stock, and then will tell me the only

I still don’t truly understands how Gamestop stays in business. There’s so many more options to buying new/used games out there and the whole get it “day one” is not even an incentive anymore as online retailers also ensure you get your copy “day one”. I don’t even remember the last time I had no choice but to shop

I can promise that I am and will be continuing to follow this closely!

See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.