I know two friends who own the V6 variant and both owned the car until a relatively minor accident. Sadly, both times the insurance company cut them a cheque and scrapped the car.
I know two friends who own the V6 variant and both owned the car until a relatively minor accident. Sadly, both times the insurance company cut them a cheque and scrapped the car.
I imported Fire Pro Wrestling for Sega Saturn and it was a blast. I can see the graphics didn’t change one bit.
My first was indeed Zelda on NES. The kicker was I saved up to buy the game so my mom had to buy me the NES. Good times. I still have the box and instruction but sadly I have no idea where the golden cartridge went.
So even the inaccessible chest in Zelda contains disappointment. Great.
As an owner of a 5 year old Tiguan with an oil leak due to “aging plastic” and a busted intake manifold - I concur.
I just completed the golf trial last night. Broke the hammer and thought “I’ll just go outside and reset the stage”. Went back, no hammer. Ended up breaking 2 real weapons just to get it over with.
And I’m pretty sure I rant about that too!
As someone who has logged 10+ hours on the Wii U this past weekend, I can tell you the Wii U version looks and runs fine.
I don’t expect nor want the devs to dumb down their Switch games for me to use legacy peripherals. However, I do not want to buy another controller purely for an occasional guest to play Smash Bros/Bomberman/sports games where motion sensors are entirely optional.
Yeah.....thx2 all the game fans for buying the new Pro controller when the Wii U Pro probably works fine if Nintendo tries hard enough.
Reply “oh I’m OK with 34,900, hold that exact car for me please” and disappear.
Double Dragon will forever be known to me as the first arcade game that prompted me to insert quarters between levels to boost my stats.
Double Dragon will forever be known to me as the first arcade game that prompted me to insert quarters between levels to boost my stats.
I took two days off work to play the 2nd half of FFXV so I pretty much completed chapter 13 in one sitting.
I have it but I’m still too chicken to go down to the basement :\
Honestly I’m willing to pay a little to (1) avoid sinking a few hundred big ones (2) get that itch out of my system
Charge me $10 an hour for reliable Wi-Fi. I’ll watch Netflix or play some CS: GO, next to my boarding gate with my carry-on luggage by my side.
That dude was taking “I won?! GET OUT OF HERE!!!” a bit too literally.
I misread the headline as