
But did he check his tire pressure tho?

Why should that be considered a joke? The PS4 has more than enough horsepower to emulate PS1/2. Sony just wants you to buy games over and over instead of using the discs you already own.

So, I had decided that I wanted an Ariel Atom a LONG time ago, but at the time, with the options that I wanted, the price was over $85K. Yeah, that's a bit much. So, I pushed it on the stack of things that I'll get should I win the lottery. FFWD a few years. I have a side job that's paying pretty well, and I start

This was a few years back when the Wii was about to launch. I was working at the Gamestop in the mall near me and was a keyholder while going to college. (Though technically it was still an EB Games, if only by title.) We had sold out of pre-orders incredibly quickly and had started to put people on a waiting list for

I dunno, seems like they were doing things the right way. They had a need for a vehicle with certain characteristics, they *saved the cash,* didn't go further into debt, and bought a car on the private, used market. None of those decisions sounds particularly unsound to me. In fact, if they had come on Jalopnik and

You can't deny that dunking on an 8 foot rim makes you feel like a boss.

As a CDL driver, I can vouch that he was setting up a pass. You can't just ride up to the ass end of that other truck, then get over. You'll likely have to get on your brakes and lose momentum. It takes a while to pass in a big truck. If people would just be a little more patient, the truckers will get out of the way.

I thought Assassin's Creed Japan already existed. It was called Tenchu.

Tales is more fun because of the lighter tone IMO, but his one has drama and intrigue in its favor. Can't lose with either game.

Much ado about nothing...

I may be the candidate for worst runaway car save ever. Car was rolling away, but would have stopped on its own without hitting anything, yet I still tried to save it by opening the door and pulling it back.

Since she lived to tell, this video should be shown in EVERY Driver's Ed class in world, where they are civilized enough to have a theoretical test(rules) and a practical test.

It wasn't passing the truck that caused the problem; it was tucking in behind the next truck, then (even though it completely blocked her view) subsequently maneuvering without knowing that the way was clear in the exit lane.

You're right. I hate it when people cut in front of me in room I am 'saving' for visibility or braking, but definitely worth it to try to wait it out for visibility every time.

traffic is obviously stopped. The motorcycle could have just kept on riding, nope. He had to stop, and he appears to punch the hood of the car before attempting to ride off like a coward. I say play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Bet he won't do that again.

Although, he did lose all of that cocaine he had in the trunk.

Mario PJs, aka "Speed Runner Business Attire."

I absolutely LOVE the controller. I like the console, but have a feeling I'd grow tired of it after a while and want something a little simpler...

For all of you who are commenting on punctuation instead of a nice gesture, you have my heartfelt sympathy. I have also contacted the local quarry in your area and they are insterested in chipping away at your stone heart's. OH and any gramar and's punctuatuon errors in this post are intentional,just's to piss you