Oddly enough, my dad had an Oldsmobile Delta 88 with the speedo that goes up to 140 km/h. He was caught doing 144 once.
Oddly enough, my dad had an Oldsmobile Delta 88 with the speedo that goes up to 140 km/h. He was caught doing 144 once.
deleted double post
Alan Wake was really scary for me during the first hours or so. Once I built up a cache of ammo and batteries then it became a bit more bearable. Having Alan Wake's agent as a comic relief was a life saver. I was GLAD when he showed up. In fact, I probably care more about the agent's life than Alan's.
$4 on Steam weekend. Great.
I'd say Bioshock was scary in the beginning chapter or two. Having only the crowbar and the pistol, I was always low on ammo and plasmids. Plus the first big daddy was pretty tough. However, a few more hours later, I was kicking ass.
I would love to show you my video game collection that spanned over 20 years, but the picture would be a stack of diaper boxes. #self-explanatory
While we're on the topic of straight forward game names, I found a game on Steam called "Gratuitous Space Battles". The description was equally hilarious:
I can see why you were confused. I suppose I could have use something less edgy for a hypothetical character name.....like Johnny or something ;)
Yeah, I spoiled the fact that there are people in that video, which implies a few humans are alive at the end of the game.
So that's why it's so fuel efficient!
I haven't played the game but I'm pretty sure it doesn't spoil the ending. The only concern is the fact that there are lots of people in the video. If you thought Mr. X had died earlier in the game and you see him on the clip then it's kind of a spoiler. The QTE on the video is epic.
So if Mike only buys new AND he's refusing to buy games with online pass, then he's never going to play Uncharted 3? Or is he going to borrow someone else's copy?
You know what scared me? The Gizmodo "station-identifier" at the end.
Controller - always Y-axis inverted.
Does 2K Sports (maker of the NBA2K franchise) get any compensation as a result of the NBA strike?
Then I guess she'll roll in that Lexus LF-A her boyfriend gave her.
I must have finished Megaman 2 like 10 times. Love the level design and the BGM. Never played one after MM2.
Never played or never owned? It's quite a feat not to played on any of those consoles.