@eaglescout1984: He had to fire up the car because the 911's engine is the best stereo.
Yawn.....for me this is definitely not a day 1 purchase. I fully expect a generic FPS with a more generic storyline. It'll be a weekend rental for me. Nah...I'll borrow it from my friend when he gets bored of it.
he must've gotten them at Costco.
I'm sure GameStop wants the PSP GO dead because they can't sell you any games afterwards.
@rotard: I think the system only locks down the brakes when you are about to hit a row of blue barriers.
People pirate because it's free and it's nearly impossible to get caught. Also, there is no social stigma attached to it, as opposed to physically stealing something.
Chrysler Crossfire. I heard it's designed by the Germans during the Daimler-Chrysler days.
@MoBoRoS: so when you all see the "More Wii for $200" headline, it's more like "Nintendo makes sure Europeans are still screwed"?
@Giggers: white turds is a sign of trouble in infants, due to the lack of gallbladder fluid for various reasons.
@MoBoRoS: how much is this bundle in Europe?
Like all other games based on a movie, I already categorized it as crap. However, like all other games based on a movie, I sincerely hope my prediction is wrong.
@Vylen: as a mainframe programmer who travels a lot, I can't tell you how many times I had to ask someone clarify the date format before signing off to the test team.
@ollemadnotglad: by 2017, VivendiActivisonGoogleSoft will be rich enough to wage a real war, then make a Call of Duty game about it.
@Bricked: Actually, if it's the Iwo Jima campaign then I may consider. I also want to drop the bomb that nuked Hiroshima for cinematics.
@Numanoid: what about Operation Iraqi Freedom?
Please don't make me go through WW2 again.
@Soyerzzz: I never played the game, but I'm really sicked of hearing about them. Well, I'm not their target market anyways.
@Brodka: regrettably: Ghostbusters for Sega Genesis, right? Absolute classis.