
I vote for one night in the sack by myself... yea this contest is stupid

Now playing

Although in theory this sounds like it would have some hilarious consequences, the reality is this is sad. Also Simpsons have done it (D'oh! someone beat me to it)

Any body else getting that Left 4 Dead vibe out of this?

Van Gogh the only artist I ever needed to know existed. He is my God.

I would wear this but my arrow has a knee in it... did i do it right?

Apparently Gizmodo is such an Apple whore now that they just place an iPhone screenshot when they can't find the proper image lol

I can see how it's related, I was just letting the rest of the internets know what actually killed the people there to pique their interest. Remember spread the knowledge!

Aww :( I was expecting it to power up halfway through that report and fly away. That would have been awesome.

Pompeii was not destroyed by lava but extremely hot ash known as a pyroclastic flow. The info is on the link you provided

Jesus since when did gamers become so cynical. I expect these types of comments from IGN, but come give this game at least two seconds before you have a crapfest all over it. I've never badmouthed a game until I played it but then again I might be too old school. Back in my day all we had to go on was the front

The only part of this video that got me excited was that for once an internet video happened at a place I frequently go to, Woodfield Mall!

Trollery at its finest or is it ignorance? Sometimes I just can't tell.

True I forgot to include animated films and certain art films. If you haven't seen "What Dreams May Come" on Blur Ray I truly truly TRULY recommend it!

The way its all out in the woods and will now include secret research facilities reminds me of the Spencer Estate. I can see it now Zombie Geniuses out to eat our Apple products. (I apologize for my overactive imagination)

Identity crisis eh? Sorry can't help you there buddy

My solution is to buy only movies that are action orientated because that's where you get the most bang for your buck, otherwise i just stream it. I mean do we really need Adam Sandler's Jack & Jill on Blu Ray?... *shudder*

Link to Amazon store please? Im in the market for some new headphones much appreciated!

When something goes wrong and there seems to be no video footage of such incident cops will blame it on some sort of connection lag or something. Also surveillance doesn't always guarantee any additional safety look at the UK around 4.2 Million cameras and their crime rate hasn't been dramatically affected

This is the other side of the technology coin that many will not like. My only and one complaint is that this tech will fall into the hands of cops who already are assholes and now they will be super technologically advanced assholes.