
I guarantee the guy going through all the data will have Franz Schubert's "Unfinished Symphony" playing in the background.

I laughed... guess im going to hell

This existed before Revo lights but they are trying to kick start a newer better model.

Thank You for my iPod touch i love it immensely. You will go down in history

Where is Caspian Border?

$199?!?! My friends these are great times we live in... excuse me there's a tear in my eye.

"is Amazing" WTF are you smoking?

Sweet! Finally my birth date is synonymous with something famous! Also where was I? Sorry Don't remember i was 9

Thanks you just saved me 5 hours of sleep

I'm waiting for early access beta, but tired of waiting!!!

USA! USA! USA! We sure love blowing shit up, and now we'll be able to blow anything up in 4 hours

Damn that photographer is too thirsty

I am already loving the creepy atmospheric music!!! But as always with a grain of salt

I thought you said this brought the house down?

I wonder what else their routine includes? There's only so many provocative poses you can do while going down some steps

ha ha ha he he he oh he ha and i thought my jokes were bad, but this article Razer vs. Apple?

Question is, is this thing gonna get hot enough to cook my tamales? Cause if so then ill be first in line :)

I have a strong feeling you are an English teacher

"had a weird tendency to stop on its own accord... not necessarily a deal breaker" ... What!? Are you serious how is this not a deal breaker? It's a godamn camera! Yea sorry dude i didn't get that gnarly jump that almost cost you your life cause the camera just decided to stop recording. Thumbs up if you agree

Cum on dude this is no time to be jerking around