
As well as "Teardrop", "Protection" - those are two beautiful songs.

He is particularly good at accents (the benefit of a proper stage education). I think he's been based in the US for a while too: he was in Homeland as well.

It was released here (UK) as Dark Angel. We had it on VHS, and I would watch it about once a month when I was 17.

I'm thinking the former on Lena - Katie McGrath was pretty good in Merlin.

No we didn't; you did when you invaded Poland.

We're from Wiltshire. It wouldn't surprise me.

She's potted a few Harries, let me tell ya.

That's not the schools' fault. I went to a British state school, and I developed a serious paddling fetish for free.

Fat chance of any of us growing, except outwards.

Actresses are the best arbiters of education.

Surely you've seen "Knowing Me, Knowing Yule"? Alan Partridge is a Chat meister.


Ha! I was Post-Punk pre-Punk.

I hope things work out. If you feel like a party will help, then definitely go to that party. It may also help with keeping connections/contacts for future professional benefit.

If you can't get your boyfriend to stand up in the heat of the moment, maybe a quiet word away from everyone else with his brother later would help.

That's effectively the "tl;dr" version of my post. I wish I was more concise.

Ouch. I feel for you.

Maybe the partner continues to relax more, enjoys it more, and maybe (just maybe) eventually has the first orgasm of her life.
I'd say that would count as pretty good. If hypothetical.

I replied in a comment above. It's been nearly two decades since I smoked, but the one time I didn't engage with sex with my wife was after smoking.

I do not usually have any problems or inhibitions with Mrs periscopes; our sex life is fun and plentiful enough for us both.
The only time I failed to perform was after smoking pot (this was about 19 years ago, before we married).