
The same reason that Cholmondley is pronounced "Chumley".
The Brits just love to mess with people from elsewhere, and this is an easy way to achieve that.

I think that we can all now identify with "I don't belong here" after Trump and Brexit.

I once spent Labor Day in Las Vegas. Being a foreigner, I hadn't appreciated the holiday existed, or its huge influx to that city. It was certainly an un-appetising holiday for me. Although I did get drunk.

I too prefer turkey.


A couple of weeks ago, I was able to pick up some raw Jersey milk from a farmers' market. The top of that went straight on to some cornflakes. It had been about two decades since I'd had cornflakes, but that flavour combination took me straight back to my childhood.

I love carpaccio too.

I guess that most people are exposed to the cheap anchovies that ruin their pizza. They can be amazing little things.

When I started dating Mrs periscopes, she would only eat well-done meat. Now her favourite starter at our regular French-style bistro is a tartare. There is something delicious about the texture of raw beef.

I'm in on the anchovies - I add mine to lamb shoulder (along with sherry, garlic, and seasoning) for a slow roast. they end up almost dissolved into the juices, making a very savoury gravy base.

We had a picnic in Paris a couple of months back. The bread is just beyond compare (it helped that we had some amazing cheese and meat, and champagne).

We used to have Weetabix with butter and strawberry jam.
The jam was great to pick up the fallen crumbs from your plate.

We used to think that sugar sandwiches were a treat. It wasn't until I grew up that I realised that we ate those whenever there was no money left.

Most eating sounds give me the creeps.
That's why I hate really quiet restaurants. I even put music on at home during every mealtime.

Mulled cider is starting to have a bit of popularity here (although the pubs tend to serve mulled wine). That scent is a sure-fire harbinger of the festive season.

[Spike Lee angrily tweets Adam West's address.]

Surely Tilda Swinton could squeeze this project in?

The navy guy should definitely tell his mother that his partner is for real (it's obviously been more than a year), and therefore a part of the family. Spending Christmas alone is not fair on the man.

What about us under-represented straight white guys?

Ssshhh! Core Concept wasn't invited on the trip.