
Needs more meat!


I'm a committed carnivore, but I recently had a vegetarian meal at a top restaurant. It was sublime.
Most meat will disappoint her from here on out. Especially if she tries to eat it on a budget.

Mostly because they were bombed

If anybody can make it great and destroy the MCU, it's Waititi.

When was the last time you ate hobo?

Real blood is so much easier to obtain.

Low and slow is usually the way forward.
And mirepoix is basically a given. I don't often add bacon unless I'm making beef-based chili. I may give it a go.

Murray's really let himself go since I last saw him as New Zealand's Deputy Cultural Attache.

[dances like a madman in the background]

Jesus was Batman

According to Clement Clarke Moore:

Sometimes, I used leftover roast pork shoulder as the base for my chili. That's my favourite variant.
I get savoury base flavours in there by using a little dry-roasted cumin, layering the peppers, and a tot of Jack Daniel's (for the oak).

Uh, uh, I was waiting for that last comment.

… and when I move them, I'm in disgrace.

They certainly do in some cases. It depends on how much of a barrier you put on the play vs rest-of-life , and how good you are at communicating.

"Topping from the bottom" is a real problem, and it's obviously a bad thing.

MRAs should campaign for a male Bride of Frankenstein.

I came here to say nothing, and failed in that.

As an orange-faced avatar, I pick the best choices. This is sad!