
Of course.

And he's being paid $2.50 an hour to be there.

He's squatting. No way could he afford a castle nowadays.

People in Dubai don't like The Flintstones, but people in Abu Dhabi do.

It's got its own weather system.

I'll just wheel out the old chestnut from showbiz circles that being nervous shows you care.
Fun, isn't it?

I definitely read the one following the other as being caused by it.

"the sex toy store where I live"

I'll have you know that the FDA closely regulates the meat goo that goes into those sausages.

If he used the term "UK Law" or "British Law" then he is straight-up talking bollocks. There is a different legal system in Scotland, and anyone who has a degree from here would know that.

I've got to say the Not Noel Coward Song came to my mind too.

I took on my present accounting job from a lovely guy, but his abbreviations are sometimes a little daft. For instance, he often used just the first four letters of "analysis".
That has made me chuckle a few times, especially when looking at church membership analysis.

Roland cannot be excused, simply because he didn't use the phrase "Zimmerich frame"

I'll need to confirm that with Jeeves.

Now I'm sad, because you've reminded me of that cancellation.


Bowie apparently even asked that his music be included.

I won't spoil it, but his accent is getting better.

Yow roight Agog?

It might be his accent making them struggle.