
Wow. Sorry about that experience.

I'm more of a brick-by-brick guy too.

Mrs periscopes for years tried to convince me that I should buy her an eternity ring on our 15th anniversary (we were married in 2001, and have no plans to have kids - so the "first born" rule of thumb was not a possibility).

Our marriage proposal was epic. Miss then-the-soon-to-be Mrs periscopes' flatmate had a birthday dinner. Long story short, we got wankered, and both woke up remembering that we'd agreed to get married. To this day (16 years after the "proposal"), neither of us can remember who proposed to whom.

Pfft, you don't cook babies, you eat them raw.

Assuming makes an ass of u and Ming.
And Ming is merciless, so don't do that.

Over-sharing here - Mrs p likes it when I finish there. But then, 95% of our sex life is cunnilingus-led so I guess it just makes a change.

In support of your comments entirely.
When Mrs periscopes and I first got together, I was (in fact, still am) still in touch with an ex who really should always have "just" been a friend anyway.
We went to my ex's wedding about 12 years ago, and remain friends with both her and her husband.

They are both funny accents though…

(ahem) Bristol, moi babber.

Not just dolphins:

This must be the place where I make my annual mention of Mrs periscopes' confusion at a pub quiz once. I laughed at her loads, and she didn't know why.

I'm kind of ashamed that the mushroom farm from Hannibal has since made it difficult for me to enjoy eating mushrooms. I couldn't even click on the link above to watch the Attack of the Mushroom People clip.

Oh God, I'd put that out of my mind. That freaked me out as a kid.

They will chuckle if you ask for toad-in-the-hole for dessert.

Lady >>>> Pink!!!

It's a type of apple.

Attack the Block (Dec 16) is a great, fun movie.

Fiennes gets to be pretty cool as Q, and delivers a great humorous line.

Frank Stallone?