
I put a link to one of the butter ads up-thread.
What a mis-step by the agency.

I know Stanhope from his appearances on Charlie Brooker's Weekly Wipe.
He never fails to get a laugh from me, but that was inspired.

That was the one that crossed my mind at first.

You should have asked him about this:

The romance may have been forced, but the dancing was amazing.

K9-2 = K7?

Are you going to watch it now?

I did a double-take - it looked at first like Bradley Wiggins was on the right of that picture.

I feel for you. I have managed to influence my mother in her opinions.

It's long gone.

I used to be mildly homophobic as a kid because I grew up in a rural place in the 1980s with prejudiced parents. However, once one of my school-friends came out as gay (after finishing school) I was able to take stock and realise that my thoughts were based in ignorance.
The increased awareness and improving society of

Up-voted in support.

I know that one - I fell for my French exchange partner.

They could just block any post with "Alfa Romeo"

They are - and were portrayed in 1990 by real-life brothers, Gary and Martin Kemp from Spandau Ballet fame.

I love how the Mail and Express always put the value of someone's house into the article, as if it's anywhere near relevant.

Apologies for the quality of the video, but that puts me in mind of a 90s UK sketch show - one character was a politician who refused to answer:

It was - he certainly didn't seem all that comfortable talking about himself here.

I have just today learnt his name, but he's been everywhere.

You know hwat? I'm horny.