
Stupid sexy scientists!

With you on the pizza/pineapple thing, but then I avoid all pizza at the moment. It's probably the one thing my wife and I disagree most violently on.

I'm a fried egg with my gammon guy.

On the Criterion rerelease: "Taken for people who aren't brain damaged"

Yes, it does. Or does it?

Viking is a name, not a title.

I'll be battling that song going 'round my head all day today.

In Britain we call it "Post-glandularfevernormative".

As Dan suggests, maybe it's to make up for his lack of prowess.
Or maybe it would relight the fire.
I don't know though.

Burn notice?
Bag it, tag it?
All-burns out?
Phoney bologna?
Tick tock?
Magnitude, party of one?

There's gammon, and there's backgammon. The "front" is redundant as it is otherwise implied.

I feel your need to be apart from your parents - that is natural. However, Loretta_West makes a valid point. Sometimes you just need to consider the other person's feelings.


If you mean the Christina Aguilera version, that was ten years.
The All Saints one was 1997. Now I feel really old.

It is if Dikachu sneezes.

Looked it up. Wow
Ten years. Ten years! Ten YEARS!

I'm more inclined to the other Jesse. Jesse Pinkman, bitch!

Didn't really work for Gareth Gates though.

House Martell should surely be drinking Cognac.

I always thought it was Len Sphlair.