
"In your face!"

I've missed quite a few of these recently - is IES Chang a frequent return visitor?

"I selfied myself" - my wife, demonstrating verbally that we are in our late 30s.


Unless it's my older sister. When we were in our teenage years, she used to tell boyfriends that I'd beat them up if they hurt her feelings. I had a reputation as a hard bastard, even though I hated fighting, because they all fell for it.

Too true. As you know, that would never happen here - if you need to leave a British pub, you neck the pint sharpish, then leave.

A very good interview, with a very good interviewee - just the sort of thing I like about this site.

It's a net launcher, and she is Stephanie Beatriz

I always hate it when people are "drinking" from obviously empty cups.

I sincerely doubt it. At least, I would punch anyone in the face if they said it in all seriousness in front of me (and I am a remarkable peaceable person).

Two words: dangling balls.

That's one forty-minute lecture spread over three years.
The campus is lovely, though.

Spend your working hours on dating websites rather than pop-culture websites.
Problem solved.

That is both impressive and scary.

"Without necessitating a wench" is one of my favourite typos ever (I'm assuming it was a typo). For my predilections, a wench is usually a prerequisite for horizontal jogging, as I am not the greatest fan of self-catering.

As a person of a different gender, I have never been able to achieve climax whilst galloping the lizard (I took some time to get there with partners too - a long story about childhood issues that I won't divulge here). Some people just aren't wired that way, and others have stumbling blocks.

Me too, but I have kept reading these reviews out of some type of morbid fascination. It's a bit like Heroes for me in that respect.

Alien Jesus is in all of us.
Except me, because I was successful in that restraining order against you.

Roy Orbison actually drove all night rather than just promising to.
Springsteen's an amateur.
