
I read them in a slightly different voice, with a bit of emphasis.

Dictators may not be afraid of comedians. Barbers, on the other hand…

Great news on there being another ep - I just assumed it was the last one from the ending.

For me the weekend was rugby and partying.

The final episode of s3 of "Rev." had the best cameo in a sitcom since Richard Wilson in "Father Ted". I love the darker tone, and the show still manages to raise real laughs (as you say).

I saw it in London a year or so ago, and the tickets are still like gold dust. My wife bought our tickets as a gift. They were only the second-most-expensive element of our trip: we stayed in the Savoy. If you think buying tickets to BoM is steep, order room service in one of the world's finest hotels.

Bang! And the dirt is gone!

That show is what really launched him from being a voiceover guy to a major character actor, and it really was bitter-sweet.

I think it's very telling that, in a comedy about middle-aged vanity and other failings, this remains a fairly warm and friendly show.
Those guys work so well together.

It very definitely is - the third episode of six aired here on Monday.
I've enjoyed them all so far, but the first had me laughing out loud in the way that only Brooklyn 99 has otherwise achieved recently.

"Wee bairn" if she's that young.

I will tell you the answer to that over a period of several years.

Like @MyName…, I am an early riser (normally 4.30 or thereabouts). I have to eat a proper breakfast before going to the gym otherwise I'm rubbish. I cook breakfast five or six days a week. Granted, I do also go to bed before 11 during the week.

I eat a venison, turkey, or beef burger patty or eggs (3 or 4), along with steamed spinach. I haven't eaten cereal in years either.

An alternative would be to keep working on it, then take off your shirt in the summer when you're really super sexy. In the meantime, wear baggy clothes so it's a great surprise.

We call those ice lollies in the UK.

I liked it too - it's also one of those rare tracks where the accent of the performers comes through. For some reason, I found that endearing.

Liked for Grammar Nazi status.

Nor every man.

Yeah - the issue is not really her bisexuality.
She wants more than one partner. The guy does not.
She isn't being honest with him by giving false reassurances, and contradictions. It sounds like they're not compatible.