
I demonstrably have the ability to type this comment.

Demons. That's who.

… it seems something that needs to be hugely important and then no one notices it at the time - this was exactly my experience. We had a major panic, then thought "fuck it, we want to have fun". I'm so glad we did.

All my friends are superheroes.

Yeah - I was obviously a fallback in the experience I related up-thread. This girl was insanely hot, and the guy she cheated with was make-a-man-seethe-with-jealousy levels of attractiveness.

Fashion for me has always been something that other people do.

[resists the urge to down-vote Search for Schlock]

I'm nearly 40 - my concept of "fashionable" is stuck in 1997.

Congrats on it all coming up Concrete Donkey; especially snagging a Brit - they're the best…

When I was growing up, my small home town had so many independent bookstores that people would travel to shop here. The last one shut up shop last week.

We had a similar issue - my wife likes rock, I like hip hop.

And let us say a big, hearty thanks to you for being the best drunken sage on this site.

Good point.

Yes - I'm a very different person to the one I was at 17. I grew up a lot between then and about 22, and a large part of that was sexual discovery.

She sounds like a peach.
I don't know quite what some people are thinking sometimes.

That's a tough judgment call. If that person's definitely so drunk that they may lose memory, it's a big fat no.

Of course it is. It should be for everyone. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: tears are the best lube.

One kid I knew at that age thought it wasn't masturbation if he didn't use his hands. He may be lying, but he could also be stupid is what I'm saying.

That was my first-up response to @Morning_Wodehouse:disqus

Too true - my depression was undiagnosed until about a year ago.