
And he hated it so much, he sang it again in the re-recorded 2004 version.

I love the madness of this show. It started airing here (UK) a bit later. I have just seen episode three, so am looking forward to more.

I don't even own an Arabic-English dictionary.


Yeah - meeting the fans afterwards was a lovely touch. And they don't make you feel rushed. I had my photo taken with Penn J, an he couldn't have been nicer to me.

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.

I especially like it that they don't spoil the acts - there was one prestidigitator whose craft was excellent, but the guys got his tricks immediately. They could have ruined his career, but instead marvelled at his abilities.

I was so glad that "Fool Us" segment you posted was Piff the Magic Dragon: he was the best person to appear on that show.

I saw it about two years ago - it was fun, but Penn's diatribes were more than a bit heavy-handed. That act referenced in the article, "Shadows", is amazing, and my wife still talks about it today.

I'm an accountant who does his wife's tax returns. To be fair, though, everyone reacts to tax returns with "ugh this again??"

I loved BC's approach to the "cumberb*tches" on Graham Norton's TV show (when he was promoting the Star Trek movie). Lovely.

It's very difficult to get haggis, deep-fried Mars bars, and Irn Bru in Asia. Their delicate constitutions cannae cope.
PS - it's Burns' night on Saturday. Haggis and whisky all round!

Agreed on both points.
Even the late, great Peter Ustinov was a distant second to Suchet.

It finished in the autumn just gone - David Suchet is Poirot for me, as I grew up watching the show.

Except when strangling.

Good for you, squire.

Whereas this comment is just too shor

I don't say "Afghanistan" like that…

To be"talked about in the same likes [sic] of Rush Hour, Bad Boys, Lethal Weapon, 48 Hrs" means to have diminishing sequels, of (in some cases) a mediocre film. They may just succeed here.