
What about Firefly?

I'm slightly at a loss re DND: her husband had little sex drive, but acted GGG towards toys and games to please his wife. DND enjoyed this immensely, and her husband was able to please her.

Calling Sundance a film Oasis is like saying it's controlled by two argumentative brothers, who court controversy then slam the press for paying them attention. Or something.

The Academy was so carried away with Shakespeare in Love - Judi Dench has been amazing in many things, but she basically got an Oscar for a cameo appearance.

"Parklife" would be a strong cider sold in 3-litre PET bottles at the local convenience store. Thus its brand would identify with the location of its consumption.

I've always enjoyed convenient cheese more (i.e. cheese that is near me, and ready to eat).

The one at the back, from whom the others are slowly walking away.

I'm all for high-quality artisan cheese (one of my favourite shops in the world is Paxton and Whitfield - I use their Bath branch), but it does need to be good.
Alex James spent ages building his brand via TV celebrity-chef shows, but didn't seem to do anything positive to make his stuff stand out.

Funny, because when I was at uni (mid-90s), and listening to Blur, Pulp, Suede et al, I was off my face on strong beer and cider.

There is a duty tax-break below 2.8% in the UK, so I'm going with that strength.

You only need two of those, and there'll be a fight.

He is launching a healthier breakfast cereal called Damon Allbran.

I loved the way that the Sherlock episode kept raising the stakes, and seemingly solving the mysteries, but kept on moving forward. I was sure that the episode was about to finish half-way through because so much had happened.

I enjoyed that Sherlock finale last night too - my wife even ignored Facebook for the 90 minutes, it was so engrossing.

Calm down, fella.

It was Heineken Cup weekend in European rugby union - I saw George North (the Welsh superstar) be amazing again for Northampton, Toulouse choke Saracens in a tight-but-not-hugely-entertaining match, and Gloucester lose to Munster.

I too like that Bates isn't just a noble sufferer, but there is a real dark side to him. Brendan Coyle has an air of menace about him.


I shouldn't worry about the first paragraph. The appearance of Smaug puts the valet in his place.

I quite liked the later handling of this plot-line (although didn't at the point of this episode). I won't give anything away, but some characters do show growth with it.