
I’m quarantining at a super rustic lake cabin my family has owned forever with my 4 y/o son. Accidents here are extremely rare, but things happen. People who say “Why wasn’t she wearing a jacket? Why this? Why that? She could have prevented it!” This honestly seems like such a freak thing that could happen to anyone

Vienna. Saw his tomb in December of last year.

The math indicats that there were only 25 in 2007 (a third of which have closed).

Calling it now: the first female POTUS will be a woman of color, who becomes president because she was the vice president of a man who died in office.

2 women on each others shoulders wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache for prez 2024

I agree with you but I also have a massive soft spot for Ann. 

All the replies are so heart-warming and lovely. It’s super easy to be cynical, but as one of those people for whom Cats meant a lot growing up (and who is still unashamed and unembarrassed about my love of it), the replies from all the performers are just wonderful and in the spirit of the entire show.

Good for Kumail! He clearly busted his ass and he’s being honest about the resources it took to look like that. Nothing wrong with him feeling good about it and showing it off. That said, I hope his new abs and Marvel success don’t wreck his marriage in the tradition of Chris Pratt.

Indeed, there was that immortal review of Sunset Boulevard, “Andrew Lloyd Webber has done it again, and I wish he had not.”

Would you ask someone who works 40 hours a week at fast food restaurants if they’re embarrassed of their job?

That’s actually a really good analogy (simile? comparison? I never know). Ambivalence is a very natural human reaction, particularly to an intense situation. Obviously war is intense, but so is the kind of constantly-spotlighted celebrity Beyonce lives in. Giving “zero fucks” while also really caring very deeply about

Lorgia’s the professor who had the racist note penned to her door a month ago. Not joking, she’s the same professor.

If you chose to save Kanye over Michael Jackson’s music we cannot be friends, you are DUMB

I agree 100%. I did not realize I still held such anger over GOT’s ending till I gleefully thought HELL YES when I voted for GOT Creators. CANCEL THEM. 

Drake doesn’t want to date Kylie because he’s busy grooming Billie Eilish and Millie Bobby Brown ><

jez finally becoming a sports blog is quite the silver lining here.

Remind me not to spike a Farrow story. Jesus, he's burning these assholes to cinders. Hope it was worth it to protect Harvey fucking Weinstein.

Jeez, is there anything this broad won’t quit?

Prt of the problem for me is probably that I have Complex-PTSD so feeling like I can't connect with the world scares the shit out of me.