Unicorns In My Pocket

She still busted nancy kerrigan’s knee cap.

She is 100% Vietnamese.

This person is the biggest troll of all.

I pray to the gossip Gods, please let this be true.

A part of me kinda wishes that Nigella had something to do with it.

This is the first thing I thought of! Glad I’m not the only one.

Girrrrrl I do not see how this could look like an obi. Possibly more like a hakama.

Say Marc Jacobs fives time in the mirror and Angela Barta will appear...hopefully.

It’s definitely a generation Z thing. Most of them are using snapchat instead of facebook or any other social media platform. And snapchat is pretty much the dumbest one.

This song repeats call on me like a thousand times.

Texas is a state that will value the life of a child over the mother. If something is threatening the life of both, the hospitals will always save the baby over the mother. Why not both? No idea.

You sure are posting a lot of photos of your life today Court.