
I got a FigurePrint. They're not cheap, but the end product was better than I thought. It looks really cool on display.

And people say Army Men and Harvest Moon got out of hand...

I'm going to predict that this isn't a good idea. I don't think this game has near the anticipation of the Halo games. Plus, I don't know many RTS fanatics who are also FPS fanatics.

Lol, LOVE the graphic for this

Blizzard sure knows how to render. Those are beautiful.

Pfft, and people don't think this happens in the states? Wake up people.

I got it! This guy's a total Kevin Federline, or in wow speak: kfed is teh suck!

She needs to dump the loser. He's not cool. I play WoW, and he is not cool.


This is amazing! Not the Indiana Jones thing, just the fact that Nintendo power is still around.

It hurts when the MMO lays you off...

That vacuum cleaner adds something to the ambiance...

@Orionsaint: I was big into GH I&II but then I actually bought a real guitar, and I've been hooked ever since.

Did Jaleco make a horse racing game?

@Phydeaux: And "it's" rather than "its"

I bet they finish like 10% then give up, citing boredom.