@Skuld: Awesome, hope it's better than the last one, but even the last one had some good tracks on it. (Saw these guys live back in 1997 - awesome.)
@Skuld: Awesome, hope it's better than the last one, but even the last one had some good tracks on it. (Saw these guys live back in 1997 - awesome.)
I thought you said the violin was spot on? WRONG, totally flat. Tune those instruments people!
@YNinja: Hope it's machine-washable
@TheNewX2: nerds!!!.jpg
I feel bad for whoever created this. They obviously had to study the song/video very closely.
I finally saw King of Kong. This guy destroyed Billy Mitchell in my mind. Mitchell's all talk
I heard it comes with free granny-panties
Lol, Kotaku, where would we be without you. Besides the obvious answer of living out our dreams somewhere.
@strix: Yeah, I like WoW, but it's really hard to meet people in game. I still play with the core group of real life friends I started with, and a few others, but from the chats I read, my brain wants to bleed
@PissedPS3Fan: Well, in macroeconomic terms, $30 would translate to $30,000,000
@Str8_Jihadin: Looked like Star Control II to me at first
So now I can't use my hilarious catch phrase "hella?"
Oh wow, so on a slow news days, these people die of boredom.
He should totally conquer the Chrono Trigger soundtrack
@Shane86: Yeah, somebody give this guy a job.
@TheNewX2: Wow, did he like do your girl or something?
I met this guy at E3. He's like 3 feet tall.
This was great, I love Frog. My team: Crono, Marle, Frog.
@fanty: lol
@taftsearlobe33: I've always though that. People seemed to have a creepy obsession with her. My creepy obsession was always for Tifa.