
I would buy that if there was consistency in the shade of pink used. If it was all PMS 219 C (the official Pantone Barbie Pink) I would say it is all branding, but the shades are inconsistent and clash from product to product and even on the same product. Pink, any shade of pink, is at best sloppy marketing.

Pet Peeve here ... why do the pinks never match? I think we all know that shades of any color can clash with other shades of that same color (or if you didn't know that ... please enjoy that tidbit! Knowledge is Power.) I HATE that Barbie is always in pink. It is even worse because the pinks don't even match to form a

Wasn't that called "My Super Sweet Sixteen"?

It doesn't seem to exist yet but someday the "What the FUCK is a gluten?" scene from This is the End will exist in gif form. and that day shall be glorious.

Ah, yeah. What makes the ones I know fun is that they can barely restrain themselves from speaking this way while sober. (Happily all the academics are quite popular professors because of this).

You need new historians. I have found that getting any of my friends drunk and asking about their thesis results in great hilarity ... even better if two had similar topics and start drunkenly arguing about the details.

Yup. for 20 some years my mom claimed she never farted in front of my dad. Finally one day my dad had enough. "The hell you don't! Maybe not during the day but you store them all up for the night! You don't stop farting at night!" My mom was horrified and embarrassed but then she realized that he had been

If intimacy level is inversely proportionate to the amount of times you've smelled another person's farts, then it turns out my boyfriend and I have never met.

hmm but these colors don't have these values intrinsically ... I mean pink was once considered gender-neutral to masculine. Green's association with wealth feels very US-centric to me, I mean the association is due to the color of money, right? Except isn't the US the only place with all green currency?

Hmm so I guess it depends on the device. I Netflix via XBOX and no captions on OITNB for me. :(

I am with you. Things that are not captioned include Scandal and Orange is the New Black on Netflix. This gives me angry face.

Just got back from two cross-country flights in four days. I am 5'10". The knee bruises I acquired on the first flight were almost healed by the time I boarded the second flight...

SO TORN! On the one hand Garrett Hedlund is a fox and I would be very happy to see him partially clothed on a big screen anytime anyone wants to show that. I mean ...

I don't look at YouTube comments because ... well, because I am an angry enough person as it is. Your comment made me go look.

Wow. There are moments where the actress playing Veronica Mars has Kristen Bell's physicality in that role DOWN. The gestures and reactions are perfect!

I once had a similar argument (not here). The difference was that the person I was arguing with was saying 'One Million dollars is rich, because you can totally live lavishly on that forever.'

Wow. I never realized how much she and Kate look alike!

Because everyone goes to Comic Con now ... I'm not "angry" or anything and I am not demanding a name change or such madness (Hell, GenCon hasn't been in Lake Geneva since sometime in the 80's, right? Yet it is still called GenCon) but I do find it funny that a Comic convention has turned into such a General Media

Have not really seen him since that poster in my dorm room in 1999 ... the salt in his beard is looking GOOD.

The styles of the art and the lettering match now rather than looking like something I made in MS paint ... so that is ... nice? I guess?