
It's worse than that, it was homework she had corrected there was no need to say anything in front of the whole class as she handed it back. She could have taken him aside or just written a note on the essay itself, she was a terrible teacher. She also arranged our seats so I had to sit next to a bully who hated me in

I'm not going to jump your shit. But the only thing hitting a child teaches them is to one day....hit a child.

"Better cop all my deep V's before it's too late."

That's what happens when you have an affair with a married person. Deal.

Looks more like scrabble to me.

Wow. Just wow. You might want to splash on some self-awareness, instead.

You ma'am, are a douche. It's not a review of you didn't bother to set foot into the establishment. It's a hatchet job and you ought to be ashamed.

what in the what

A review isn't "this establishment as a $50 corking fee and there for gets 1 star". Important to know, yes, but it's not enough to give a review on. Not by a mile. Literally, a phone call was made, they confirmed a policy they didn't like. There's nothing to freaking review. You say "you rate based on the parts

All you did was waste their time, and screw up the rating of a restaurant where you'd never even eaten.

You posted a bad review (presumably) because a restaurant you never actually entered had a clearly stated policy that you disagreed with? You sound like a gem.

Many businesses and a lot of public spaces (including schools and post secondary institutions) have scent bans.

They didn't have plans. They called to verify, then chose not to go. Entitled customers are obnoxious.

It's not the perfume that makes you an asshole, it's the way you name drop brand names.

You are part of the problem.

So would you give a negative review to a book you've never read or a movie you've never seen? A review based on a phone call about a single policy is ridiculous.

It's what makes Yelp useless. it's not a review of the restaurant. It's a review of a policy. The person never went there, they just called to ask about the policy.

It's a very common policy here, but the more important thing is, there WAS no experience with the restaurant. None. Never went there, never tried the food, knows nothing about the kind of experience they offer.