
I concur

See, I couldn’t care less about all the IPhoney Tech in the car. I want a reliable, fun to drive car that feels premium. Different strokes for different folks. I don’t even care about autopilot. I wish they’d take it off and give me a $5k discount.

Well, it would be easy to measure this when you look at quarter over quarter numbers. What muddies the water is the continuous expansion of the company. They are basically constantly increasing their fixed cost. I think they will be fine. Everyone was berating Amazon when they were losing money year after year but

Not true, I want a mid engined car that I can afford. Unless the MR2 shows up, the Vette is it

It is just r3t@rd3d. I bet they are asking for $198k so that they can give someone a’deal’ at 6% off.

That actually works if you ever studied business. There is a fixed cost inherent in the business and it has to do with the infrastructure needed to build such car. With enough volume that fixed cost is divided into more cars thus becoming smaller with each additional unit sold.

I have an M5 with an SMG (talked into it by a friend), I so regret not getting the manual. I vouched to get a manual in my next car. I want a mid-engine car, I do not like Porsches due to their gouging pricing in the US.

Well, the Audi S5 for example can be bought loaded for around $60k. Everything about the fit and finish in that car feels better than the Model 3. And, believe me, I think the Model 3 is fantastic, I just wish it was even better.

The Perf.Model is ~60k

The model 3 drives very well for an entry level EV sedan. You’d be shocked at how direct and precise the steering and brakes are.

But the Roadster is insanely expensive. That is the difference here. If Tesla had a roadster at the price point of the C8, your argument would be valid.

I drove a Model 3 and I was flabbergasted by how good it felt to drive. Where it felt short though is that beyond the power delivery and the really nice steering, the rest of the car did not feel like a $60k car. That’s where the Teslas fall short. In order to provide whiz bang features like autopilot, they increase

In the video the C8 brown looks like a bronze metallic, rather nice, it may be the one I get

1965 is the last year of ‘boomers’ afaik

Mid engine cars are fun to drive. Period. This coming from an MR2 owner and occasional F430 driver.

Too bad the rear looks so Camaro-ish. They need to replace those tailighs asap.

‘Murica rules!!!!

Time to re-evaluate Turkey’s place within NATO I say. Their membership is a relic of a the cold war when Turkey & Soviet Union were not in good terms and the US needed a place to keep arms near the Soviet Union border. If Turkey wants to flex their muscle perhaps we should not be so accommodating.

Passenger area looks cramped. Why does the dash need to extend so far into passenger area?

I hope the rear end is not what I see. It’s attrocious and looks like a camaro. The rest of the shape looks Ferrari like so it’s good. A manual tranny is a must have.