Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Forgive me if I still don't get Windows phone, but I can't seem to be impressed with it much like bing. Am I just more familiar with Android and Google? Possibly as I have never been impressed with iPhone interface, but do like their hardware.

I promoted this comment.

Thank you, I believe this movie teaches a great deal about human nature.

Actually my comment was in reference to a the trailer for Pauly Shore's Bio-Dome that I tried to post with my comment and it doesn't seemed to have worked.

No they can't.

Glad I can bring my cat too.

Capitalism has nothing to do with it, this is a country doing this not a company.

Microsoft's corporate culture and decisions of the past 7 years have been extremely perplexing and I really don't see things getting better anytime soon. My concern is companies like Google fallowing the same path. Or even Apple post Jobs, what will they be like? Microsoft should be an example of what not to do.

Russ Roberts has a way of conveying economics and how it relates to the world more accessibly than any other economist in my opinion. I had the pleasure of taking his graduate class this past semester and it really solidified how I feel about being an economist.

I have a lot of questions about bitcoins which I currently see as a fad but one of my professors did quite a good job interviewing one of the guys in charge about it [www.econtalk.org]

Sounds nice but if conditions get worse aid will get sent anyways. Think North Korea, no change and people still send aid because the government is holding it's people hostage.

I'm pro ending ethanol subsidies but there are more issue in play than just that. I'd estimate that ethanol instead of food amounts to less than 20% of the cause here. Geography and political climate are by far and away the largest contributers.

I agree that food shortages are almost always government-caused phenomenon. However, I also remember that the programs that cause shortages like price controls are also politically popular in most countries so I don't have hope for them to be about to change for the better.

It was used as an example for the economist Gordon Tullock for what he described as a Transitional Gains Trap. Every year I try to will him to win the Nobel prize but alas public choice is out of favor these days.

I'll wait to see it but I am prepared to swear off Steven Spielberg forever.

Obligatory link to a institute bought to you by the grandson of Milton Friedman [seasteading.org]

It was protectionist policies put in place for American automakers who couldn't and in some ways still can't make a car as good as it.

basically this.

I used to like Five Guys a lot but then I had In-N-Out and there really isn't a comparison both in price and taste. I'd say Shake Shack is the really East coast challenge in terms of taste for In-N-Out though there are maybe 6 total but the NYC ones are great.