Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

now what if they are automated to turn on if your phone is in the room? You wouldn't have to do anything at all. Unless you forgot your phone.

Again, as previously stated I don't support corporate protectionism. And I'll add that I don't support and standing military or the government's ability to borrow money because Thomas Jefferson has been proven right when he said that a national debt will be a way for the government to involve it's self in more wars

1. Shit happens, but I hardly think the negative externality they received justifies punishing millions in higher prices.

I just laid out reasons why government is interfering with our ability to respond to changes in supply and demand for oil. I would never even begin to claim that I can explain all the reasons that demand changes for oil, I was only discussing how policy affects it.

I wouldn't consider any of those countries libertarian, more free in certain ways yes, but there is no libertarian state. Singapore, Ireland, and New Zealand all have the disadvantage of being islands that need to import their oil so I would guess that would be the predominate reason for higher gas in their countries.

I'm sorry I don't quite get where you're going with that.

1. You're idea of optimal tax rates is my idea of too much government interference and telling people what to do. I also think you're overestimating the negative externalities of oil on the environment.

my original intent was more a discussion of petroleum, but yeah I said Gasoline which was wrong.

My problem with gas taxes is that they increase the cost of anything shipped that uses gas like food. If you wanted to deal with individual consumption there are other ways to in courage conservation, such as more toll roads, higher tax incentives for fuel efficient cars (instead of the opposite which is what we have

Libertarian answers to all of this hoopla.

10 internets for that

Wasn't there an episode where there was a factory that only made pollution?

Ian McShane is Blackbeard. Just say that to yourself. Sounds really awesome.

I once contributed a bunch of Hudson lines to an Aliens drinking game. I don't remember much else of that evening.

10 internets for you

I actually knew the second one was from Darrow. Yay, Monkey Trial project in high-school!

No it's a mix of Honda and Infiti.


that is also my guess, so lame.

I made out once with a jewish girl who was delivered by Dr. Hershlag. Yeah, she didn't look as good as Natalie either.