Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

I root for anyone who escapes the looters.

He's looking for wealth to spread around.

I love their attempt to be classy while absurd at the same time.

BREAKING NEWS: Ferrets are just stretched out kittens.

Unfortunately it is still the NY Times.

Another victory for free market capitalism.

Yay corn subsides! You pay more taxes to pay more at the pump to go less on a tank! Not to mention putting more junk in your trunk.

And there goes all hope I had for this film. And seeing Scott's track record with everything after Legend, I'm not sure I had any to begin with.

My dad's cousin has one of these and when I was 10 he took me out on it on his subdivision's private runway. It was awesome.

@Evdor: Nature isn't interested in preservation. 99.9% of all life that has ever lived is extinct, yet I am told that I need to be concerned about how humans affect biodiversity! The universe has no interest in biodiversity which is merely a consequence of life trying to survive.

@Evdor: People are competing with it for resources (water). That's not the same as whaling.

Wow, the way this company treats it's stockholders it must be killing the competition!? Wait what? Oh.......

@trevertalbert: What a thoughtful and well written criticism.

Yeah and some bleeding heart environmentalist will say that this is tragedy. Sure, loss of one small mammal that only lives in one lake on one island will be a great loss to the world.

@Jerm Deeks: That was a public fire department, not a private one.

Everything by Chip Foose.

No mention of her ex husband Devin?