Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

I'd say Superman because it wouldn't be a character that Aronofsky could portray as a self-destructive drug-attic/masochist but I'm sure he would anyways.


@MaliciousH: Ah the unethical concept of intellectual property.

@Lazarus511: My question is how could they even make money off of this if they want and ocean going population? I have to assume they will be aqua farmed and fed like a lot of salmon because you don't want competitors catching your genetically engineered fish. But say a fish escapes and successfully breeds with the

@OMG! Pickles!: I have it and I don't even use that account much at all. It is fun to play with though, and wish that facebook had an interface like it.

@randomgyan: I guess we just watch the UI changes to twitter with envy.

I love swiftkey, its next word prediction is fantastic. I haven't used my physical Droid keyboard in months.

@Charlie Jane Anders: Well you're referencing very hopeful shipping companies, not all shipping companies. While some are willing to take the risk of planning for northern passages I don't think most of them will be buying parkas anytime soon.

@taniquetil: No they believe there are unlimited suckers to buy our debt and this past year that has been shown to not be the case.

@Insomnia Bob: Exactly, though I don't know much of Slade. All I know is that if anyone is thinking of giving something to Darren Aronofsky, it can't be good.

20 bucks guys, no thanks.

Much like the rest of voice it needs an API. I went back to using Gvoice for just my voice mail on my droid because what developers were doing with other things like messaging.

@whatne1wuddo: Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer promoted this comment.

@Quattro-luvr: That's the worst thing I have seen in a long time.

Well the man is the greatest troll in the NFL.

@Fourth Liver: I'm with you there. Should by Droid1 be replaced for whatever reason it won't be with a Motorola device.

@stoke: You forgot to mention his hair.

@pauljones: Except the people who buy them.

Wow a squeal to the only Miyazaki film I find remotely tolerable. Color me grey.