Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Any Kia.

@icthusman1: Yeah I use Calibre as well and it's great but, as for rooting I'm still not ready to pull the trigger yet. I have about a month until the fall semester starts and I always put a cut off on hacking electronics during the school year. Why? Because I'm usually dependent on my electronics and I don't need to

If you don't feel safe maybe I shouldn't mention that we have only about 3% of the sky checked for asteroids at a time.

@strich: I got mine last Saturday and I too think it's pretty great. What difference a drop $100 can make.

I first thought "Ooooo a hot Tinkerbell!" but then I remembered I've always kind of found Tinkerbell hot.

I almost said the 917 but then I remembered it was a flat 12.

Oh god my eyes.

I think I still have a gif somewhere of Ray when he was last on TV that someone animated his mouth and made him say Blah Blah Blah.

@barrywoods: Strange because they work for me. Did you change the font size? It has to do with the text reflow to the Adobe eReader back end.

@Skunky: I still love that commercial. The squeal better have General George S. Patton in a Dodge Ram (just Ram now I guess) diving over some Nazis.

@MercerCh00x: Yeah but plutonium doesn't make microbe resistant plastics for hospitals.

Unfortunately Loyds much like most people an lacks a knowledge of basic microeconomics. They make the assumption of a static supply which is completely wrong.


Yeah I bought a Nook Wifi on Saturday. Not that I think I'll return it because I feel like it is sufficient value for it's price. Still though, this would have tempted me a few days ago.

I notice I get called a troll a lot by the gawker sites I visit but honestly I truly hold these opinions. So without further a due, Hayao Miyazaki is an overrated director. His animation of course is beautify but his films fail from flawed direction and pacing both of which are his fault. His films are also

@phoghat: The fact that it is worse then the Ang Lee version doesn't mean I liked it nor even think the Ang Lee version was good.