Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

I hope he was. The Incredible Hulk was actually worse then the Ang Lee version and Norton as usual infuriated me in every scene.

@FriedPeeps: But don't you want to see the yellow Minions! Their everywhere! And yellow!

I'm glad to see it in the hands of the director of one of the worst films I saw last decade.

Still buying a nook later this month anyways.

Faster then the speed of tasteful design.

It over stayed it's welcome by 8 years in my opinion but maybe in thirty years I'll feel nostalgic to it......eh probably not.

I didn't like the first two episodes but I have to admit that this one was pretty good.

Yeah the cliffhanger ending on Leviathan was bullshit. It really felt like it just had a couple chapters on the end ripped off. I will still be reading Behemoth though.

Megashark VS. Giant Predatory Whale

I've taken a break from war games myself, excluding TF2 but does that really count? In fact Tf2 is the only FPS that I've played in a year. I just haven't been interested in the way FPS present gameplay. I've become a causal gamer it seems; the only game I bought this year was the new Monkey Island series yesterday.

I expect that the Pegasus engine has been removed (not to mention fuel) which actually leaves a very light airframe. Remember this plane was meant to take off vertically which is why most of it's weight was the engine itself. If it fell it would still kill you the likely hood of the cables snapping is very low.

@rathat: If that does become the case then it may be worth looking into rooting. I figure in a year the hardware will be very dated with how fast phones seem to be moving and that's when I plan to root.

The potential for this technology to be abused is enormous but so is most technology. Given the highly questionable ethics current medical technology and drugs work under I am unnerved by how quickly this type of brain interfacing technology is advancing. I fear we don't yet have the discipline to exercise such power

@HarroChan: Same here, football compels me. Though the NBC player isn't terrible it's just not good, plus it's never a game I care about.

You forgot the Dodge Viper which is completely and utterly devoid of class.

@黒人: Apparently it's some Valve employee who isn't even English.

"America is gripped by soccer fever.." by that you mean slightly amused at how the Vuvuzela is pissing off the rest of the world.

@mecha2142: now I went from ADW to Launcher pro and I'm not going back.

@midnightz: According to you then, the ends justify the means. The only logical conclusion from that train of thought is the oppression of everyone to protect people from themselves. Of course people will disagree with you but the ends justify the means and they will be removed most often violently. Authoritarians