Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

I've used both Blogger and Wordpress and I prefer blogger but that might be that I used it first.

Yeah because as we all know the V22 Osprey is a fantastically inexpensive and reliable vehicle so naturally the thing to do would be double it in size.

Seriously why are there so many Canadians complaining? It's like visiting someone else's house and complaining that they don't have all your stuff. You have your own Canadian websites to stay on, why must you visit ours? In fact, get off of Giz and go to some Canadian tech blog.

Unless I can access my music I buy from Google on any computer or cell phone on the planet then I'm not interested. However, given that this is Google this might actually be what they are going for and if that turns out to be the case then.....well I'd need a new pair of pants after they announce it.

@midnightz: So you're saying that they should have stood there and allowed themselves to be killed? Or allow the civilians launching rockets at Jerusalem to do so unopposed? If people were to do that everyone but the violent aggressors would be killed and I wonder what their civilization would be like.

@ShubNecktie: One month ago at the start of the book club thing. The thread is a little past the half way part of the comments.

I've read this book, hated it, and I've told everyone here before why I hated it.

@zeroprime: But remember this is how us Americans think. Hell the most American movie ever made had coincidently, oil rig workers sent to an asteroid to save the world by blowing it up with nuclear weapons.

I do take comfort in that fact that when I throw out the one I receive every year they do appear to be getting smaller.

@dragonvpm: Well how self righteous of you to chastise someone who has a differing opinion on subject of banking and personal responsibility. I'm glad to see you took the initiative to immediately invalidate you're argument with a personal attack. I could address you're argument but I won't because you are not worth

@Aaron Goldblatt: Well I can't say I'm happy with many practices I've seen from banks but regulation is not the answer. I'm for more competition which coincidentally the banks don't want either. You've found a way to do "banking" that is competing with the banks and I think that's great. I want it to be easier for

@sugardeath: Under competitive conditions free checking has been nearly ubiquitous. Banks were competing with other banks with their offerings but when you effect their ability to profit they adjust their business plan. They are not in the business of kindness, they want to make money. If their costs go up they pass

And here I thought that MGS4 was great proof that you can try all you want but Raiden can never be cool. The travesty of him in MGS2 and his naked level can never be lived down nor forgotten with a bunch of robot parts and over choreographed fight scenes.

@HalLumos: Well they were giving out free checking before under less regulated conditions. That doesn't seem greedy to me.

Now lets see some of the negative externalities from this type of government intervention.

I'm an objectivist and I never needed to see a film version of Atlas. Now a Mr. A film would be an other story.

@XeO3: Kinect still costs less then buying 4 fully set up wiimotes which you would need to own to equal the capability of the kinect. Kinect also doesn't need you to have a charger or shill out for batteries.

@UsernameOfTheDead: Seriously go buy four wiimotes with motionpluses and nunchuks and then tell see if that is more reasonably priced to you. I'm not defending the Kinect but you're price statement was ridiculous.

No way, nothing beats the original Armageddon.

It seems lately that Merc and Audi are really destroying BMW in the looks department. I approve.