Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

@MrGOH: You missed my point about the regulatory cost of creating an ISP. The cost is so high because of the regulations and barriers to entry. Technology is ever changing and often gets cheaper however the cost of regulation always goes up.

@Helios001: Thats the ignorant public's vote with their dollars and you want to take that away from them, sounds pretty fascist to me. Catch you later Big Brother.

@Dexomega: Regulation and free markets are mutually exclusive.

So the government gives companies monopoly positions in the internet provider market by limiting competition through regulation, certification, and back alley deals but rather then react rationally and blame the government for its mess you instead blame ISPs for conditions they did not create.

@senorducklives: I did a report on that book and quoted in a presentation. Lets just say for some the language wasn't appreciated.

@fuhteng: Actually Pawn Stars is one of their best shows in a long time. They get a lot of awesome historical things in the shop and it's like Antiques Roadshow without the little old ladies.

Hopefully the Airforce shares this with Nasa, it's bad enough they refuse to share the Delta IV Heavy life rocket forcing Nasa to waste time developing it's own launch systems.

My only hope is that the engine explodes and it will be called justifiable suicide.

@hansonc: I was merely stating that people value time, and most people value time spent on other things with making beer a relatively low ranking choice. I find it an advantage to purchase my beer and spend my time on things like browsing the interest and trying to apply my education in economics to daily problems.

Yes but the diminishing marginal utility makes home brew less appealing to many as would value less of a higher quality beer than more of a low quality home brew. People also value time so the real price of home brew is much higher than the prices of the ingredients. What happens if you lose a batch? You lose all the

@rayblasdel: Maybe is some ways now but the web is changing constantly and you can bet google wants adds on whatever it changes into. It's just investment in future technologies.

Crack pipe, my line of work demands additional submarine modifications.

@ShadowOdin of dubious snowiness: I think google is disappointed with how long it is taking to finalize the standard so they're going to push what can be done with html5 and java as far as they can to make it more appealing.

@BtownDesignGuy: What did I just read? WebGL is a language not a plugin where as IE9 uses Directx.