Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Whale penis leather is not nearly as luxurious as I thought it would be.

They left their number, we should call them and tell them how bad it looks.

@Norellicus: Good someone noticed that to. I died just a little inside when I saw them.

So you're saying Iron Man 2 got better then they made it worse again?

@Brian Richards: Well you get what you paid for I guess.....oh wait.

@twins8791: Or set Google Voice to be your default dial out number and there you go. You contacts app continues to be a contacts app and Voice is your voicemail/message inbox.

@Buster Friendly: and you are a very bad person for thinking you have the right to impose your beliefs at what is or is not necessary on others you authoritarian fascist.

Introduction to Micro Economics 103 with Dr, Thomas Rustici. This class is responsible for the rest of my entire life. I wen't from being unsure of college to someone who actually wants to spend the rest of my life teaching and learning.

@Buster Friendly: They're not free massages if they are included in the services they are paying for which is their choice to purchase and your decision to arbitrarily say that those services are unnecessary is AGAIN unethical, immoral and unconstitutional arbitrary use of power.

@boomshadow: You seem to come to the conclusion that under a free market system businesses would control consumers. In a free market system the only power is consumer choice. As we do not live in a free market system there is in fact another source of power, violence which has only one master, the State and the power

@Buster Friendly: Unnecessary is subjective, if the state makes any ruling based on whether something is unnecessary or not it's merely arbitrating based on whim which under any name is an abuse of power and unconstitutional.

@Crashproof: Yes the CBO is worse. It is a bureaucratic arm of the government which perpetrates accounting fraud at the whims of who ever is in power.

@Random Acronym: Uh....Rome was a Republic, Greece was a Democracy.

@jayteemo: Now we're the cool kids and just like them we'll start smoking cigarettes which could never have potential future consequences. NEVER.

@Buster Friendly: What about the huge taxes on people with Health insurance plans? That a pretty big deal, unless you're in a union then you're home free.

@Bobly: Yeah I downloaded the crx and just saved it to docs because I'm at work.