Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

@umalt: I would pay monies for that.

Seriously I'm freaking out here. I enjoyed EBA like no other game I've ever played. I'd buy a touchscreen just to play this like I used to on my DS.

Humm, would be nice to get an invite. I've been throwing ideas around in my head for a new website and an embedded wave as my site seems cool.

Wow thats a lot of stuff for a studio that only produces hyped up boring.

i don't vote much anymore but I had to go with nice price on this. Sure beats all those Sebring convertibles I've seen lately.

@Mark Arnold: Wait we share a brain or something because I immediately thought of the 917 too.

The Chrome version of Adblock+ updated last week, you should check it out.

And here I wasn't able the clunk my 91 New Yorker.

Obviously the worst drivers are in Washington DC; cars to them are merely bumper cars freed from a carnival that was hell incarnate. Through in the fact that the city itself was designed to fight off invasions and you have utter chaos the likes of which has not been seen in any other city on the continent.

Matte black only works on an old 80's Monte Carlo with a big supercharger coming out of the hood.

I'm going to go with some sort of development with regards to 3D monitor technology. It'll be $400 minimum though.

Well done Vintage Racer.

At first I was wondering how soccer became so popular but then I remembered the rest of the world is so poor they can only afford a ball and some knee high socks.

More proof that Japan has become increasingly artistically irrelevant. It's a shame too.

Can we get some real resolutions on these? These fill up neither of my monitors.

I can't help but think that SEGA is really over estimating the appeal of this game.

Looks like the Dust theme, could this be an indicator the the future of ubuntu's themeing?

@Franque: BonJour!: Reminds me of a pun in Party Cat.

Way too many times this week I've thought "Now thats the worst car I've ever seen!"

Too late, I've already switched to Meebo.