Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Sure my school's IT department and CS students get free Win7 copies but why did the school of Business Management get them too? Might as well have given them to my economics department seeing how all our classes are polluted by business students anyways.

It looks almost as dumb as the Enzo.

Makes the 299 PS3 look a little sad.

@shatteredmindofbob: Ideally your cloud identity would not be dependent on a number of apps but instead be interconnected with some super version of OpenID. Apps providers will no longer store the information, they'll merely write apps that connect and access your online identity.

This is just the type of irrelevant thinking that has gotten GNU/Linux were it is in the first place.

Alright thats it, time to buy a better local number and switch to google voice full time. (Grand Central gave me a bad number)

Damn you Paul Hogan! You and your only available in Australia awesomeness.

Funny, I usually like cars in that shape.

Oh hai, I guess I come in orange now?

That is the shot I point to when people was me why I only like 68 Chargers.

Looks like my old New Yorker.

Wow boy am I really excited! A video game made by Ubisoft closely associated with a film with insight brought in by a famous director there is no chance that this could ever possibly create a terrible game.......*looks at copy of King Kong*.......oh wait.

The problem with planing for a dorm room is that no matter how much you plan, your roommate will be a slob.

You know what Japanese beer is called everywhere but Japan? Water.

@LaneWinree: No I mean what were the odds of that happening. But his new ones are ok except Sony replaced his backwards compatible PS3 with one that didn't have it which I thought was funny.

So my roommate's PS3 and 360 both failed, can someone do the statistical odds for that?

Well so long as we get an upgrade in build quality compared to what Chrysler has done I'm sure it will be fine....and cute.