This got me thinking:
This got me thinking:
It’s a major U.S. business. Maybe it’s not making steel or building computers, but it is a billion-dollar industry so when it takes part in prima facie fuckery, it should get at least some scrutiny.
I’ll applaud any time Congress gets off its collective ass to do anything that isn’t blatantly self-serving and/or detrimental to the country as a whole, so let’s just call this one a win.
Please deposit 75¢ to receive your answer.
>I’m a white man who has benefited greatly from my privilege over the years (even if I haven’t always been aware of it) so I know my voice probably shouldn’t be the loudest on this issue, but my god even I’m sick of how many talentless white men have infested this industry I love.
Seriously some of the funniest shit I’ve seen on the internet. They need to do a full on It’s Always Sunny Crossover with TLOU.
Though the GamerGate trolls have lessened in number since 2014 (or perhaps many of them have slunk back to their dank caves to hit their Juuls, wank, and blow the embedded food crumbs out from the crannies of their keyboards),
Yeah, what cunt decided that?
For some reason, I thought this show was about a murder in a post-apocalyptic world.
That all sounds horrible.
You’ve crossed an important line as a pop-culture publication when “editing mistake” feels like a more likely explanation than “wordplay.”
What’s weird to me is that they point this out ALL THE TIME on games with gold and possibly PS Plus but here it’s all of a sudden “free games” (with a subscription)
“No one wants to work anymore!”
Word is also coming in that a ton of big names have cancelled their upcoming meetings with Warner Brothers. Turns out having a 50/50 chance of years of your life being arbitrarily snuffed out doesn’t make people want to work with you.
I’ll be honest, nothing about any of her music gave me Rupi Kaur vibes.
Ah, yep, got it. My bad. Read like a bad (or lack of) edit.
Reminder that big companies don’t care about you as a worker/labor of any kind unless you’re part of the executive class, drinking $500 wine among your fellow shills. If you have the “dream” of moving up in the world as a low-class worker when it’s been expressed time and time again that connections are valued more…
I definitely don’t think that the ‘women don’t judge men’s bodies’ thing is true in any way.
“Like, oh yeah, that’s everyone else’s business, right? No. Where’s that energy with men?”
Once again, it’s not free if you have to pay for access. You can’t access these games without an active Netflix subscription and that costs money.