Mr. Pebbles

I thought he was great as Emmet too, but Emmet was an original character that Chris Pratt could just overlay his voice onto. People know what Mario is “supposed” to sound like, whether it’s the cheerful Italian stereotype from the video games or the gruff Brooklynite from the cartoon, and Chris Pratt doesn’t sound

That’s because Emmet is just some regular guy, not an iconic character people have been growing up with for 40 years, and who has had a well-established voice for more than half of that time.

Most of all, Princess Peach throwing away the trope of being a damsel in distress for being the Mushroom Kingdom’s fearless leader wielding a freaking halberd matches the fierceness Anya-Taylor Joy brings to her roles, particularly in The Northman.

And for that, he earned $19.78. 

Hopefully Pratt’s voice is better than we all fear, because I think he actually did a really good job as Emmet in The LEGO Movie.

She deserves better than being on a reboot on Paramount+. Very underutilized.

They still haven’t revealed why Mario is summoned to a world he’s never been, which is weird, but that’s its own thing.

This post went soaring over my head

the movie isn’t out yet it still can, man!

Why did I watch that nutcase? What did that bring to my life?

That’s a problem with every console though. Someone somewhere decided that all new games cost $60, regardless of quality, but at least we have future sales prices to look forward to for games that suck on other consoles, whereas like you mentioned, Nintendo never allows it with first party titles.

This will be the piece that finally makes Nintendo release Switch Pro, I just know it. 

Not a Pixar film.


This article reads like a capitalist sitting in a room full of anti-capitalist, trying his best to fit in out of fear of being murdered.

I don’t know, I click on and comment in every article about Monkey Island and Kotaku still hasn’t even posted a review of the new game. I’m starting to think one commenter doesn’t make much of a difference here.

what are we doing here, seriously

crazy that it was carrey who pitched it. doesn’t even sound that bad.

They did remake this movie for the modern era, it was called Due Date with Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifinakis.

All I know is that this is quite possibly one of the most heartwarming shots in all of cinema.