Shame everyone forgot about Winback though
Shame everyone forgot about Winback though
I love Friends With Benefits.
Well, it’s not quite fentanyl, and it’s not quite a Bentley, but oh man... *chuckles* To answer your question, I don’t know.
I haven’t noticed anything like that so far on Polygon, but I’m sure I will.
How can you say ‘Artless’? He’s the main antagonist.
I miss weird, elaborate ads for games. This has the vibe of the mascot costume Crash Bandicoot.
I find these characters to be progressively less likable as the seasons progress, to the point where I don’t want to spend time with them. Andrew is a full on sex creep, which I guess may be where kids are as they go through puberty, but he’s been fairly irredeemable in more than a few occasions.
“It was the one-oared man!”
Fuck you Myst is good
This kind of comment is like using rap lyrics as evidence in court.
Hathaway, Kendrick, and, for that matter, Lawrence, all seem like perfectly pleasant (and clearly talented) young women. I really don’t understand the hate thrown in any of their directions.
“sadly over-sexualized” as if that isn’t one of the only good things about this movie
It wasn’t a murderous fisherman. It was JLH’s sweaty tank top.
Who is Ned Fulmer or Markplier?
“Just divorce him” and “Just leave him” will always go down in history as the most useless advice we can give abused women.
This is an idiotic argument that mistakes “per unit marginal cost” as the total cost of production. Games don’t have a high marginal cost, no, but they have an inordinately high production and development cost that has to be distributed over a certain number of projected sales. In the case of indies, I’ve noticed a…
It’s a distinction without a difference when revenue is used to recoup development costs. Money invested in the production of a video game that sells at an unprofitable price point is, yes, money lost. Maybe at a certain volume of sales that type of thing becomes profitable, but it’s obviously going to be harder to…
When I saw Waterworld as a kid, I loved it. I was a complete sci-fi fan, and I loved everything about the setting. I remember watching it a few times and always getting excited.
I’ll tell you one thing. This looks a thousand times better than the Rob Zombie Munsters. We watched it Friday night and it was painfully bad. I like the stupid campy Munsters show from the 50s but it feels like Rob Zombie, once again, fails to understand the core concepts of a thing he loves.