The fact that his hair and beard grow when he pulls out his knife is amazing. Kind of like he’s going super Gaben.
The fact that his hair and beard grow when he pulls out his knife is amazing. Kind of like he’s going super Gaben.
they just released beta footage of actual hordes. they're reowkring the sneaking mechanics and optimizing the model to allow for larger hordes
This is the thing that's hard to communicate to my friends about DayZ. You can play the game for 15 hours and have a shit time not seeing much or dying from random events.
I've bought every BF game. But I'm sure as hell not buying this one for glorifying the militarization of police.
Am I the only one here who thinks that this game would be better received if it wasn't titled Battlefield? I immediately lost interest when it was announced as Battlefield, had this been announced as a new IP, I might have been fooled to at least be intrigued by the "new" premise. I'd be like, "Oooh, a new game by the …
He prospered—but I damn sure wish he would have lived longer.
Dis gonna be good.
There are many areas of a dev team. Sound, art, programmers. You think after one section wraps up they just sit and twiddle their thumbs all day?they work on other content which could also be dlc
The problem isn't the day one DLC, it's all the different DLC's and pre-order bonus combinations just to get all the different monsters for the game.
I can't wait to hear what cheating and match fixing drama will ensue this time =P
I just played most of the game in Hollowed form to avoid being invaded.
I mean, after Mars it was the next logical move.
Long story short "Lizard Squad" is a bunch of shitbag kids who did it because they were bored and they are jealous of most of us because they will never get laid in their life.