
You can't take the sky from me.

5 of the 8 games come with a Steam key anyway.

5 of the 8 games come with a Steam key anyway.

But... but...

"before i met you, the sun was like a yellow grape."

I can't tell if you're serious or not.
Jokes don't work on the internet!

I don't think I'll ever find an MMO that does crafting better than Runescape did.

Needs a king of the North.

Really want to play this but I think I'm gonna wait till a price drop.

they must of blocked the people with used internet connections

Now playing

This is something that i think should be on Kotaku, but here it is on a post.

There is a 24 hours gateway check in the Xbox One it also registers the game to your live account.

As for Sony to quote the very article you linked

" The PlayStation 4 "will not have any gating restrictions" means there is nothing built into the hardware to restrict used games running on the system. That doesn't

The answer is often yes. Just take the pc you have now and put a $200 gpu in it, wala better then xbox.


I've been playing too much Blood Dragon...

That's the satire! You know the game mechanics, and I guess you didn't catch that Cesar was referencing what the HUD said in the game. "These tutorials getting in the way of your mayhem". You're just as irritated as Rex was, so I'd say they did a good job.

I work in the Electronics department of a store and I have conversations like this all the time and it astounds me. Someone doesn't know about Bioshock Infinite? What kind of rock have they been living under?

Somebody get that man a baby!